Principal Message

Principal Message:

I extend a warm welcome to you and your family. I am very proud to be the Principal of this wonderful Institute. It is a privilege for me to work with our students, our staff and to make our institute the very best it can be. My aim is to lead our institute community to enable us to work together to achieve our goals.

We aim to create a safe, nurturing yet challenging environment that is built on positive relationships; developing the whole student – emotionally, socially and academically. We care for and appreciate each of our students as the unique individuals that they are, each with distinct talents, interests and needs, and each with differing learning styles. Our passionate teachers ensure our students grow in confidence and capabilities and develop the skills for the rapidly changing, 21st century living. Engaging learning programs that cater for individual differences and learning styles are devised and delivered by our skilled, talented and dedicated teachers. We use innovative techniques, rich resources, proven instructional strategies and engaging programs to promote student learning. We develop in each of our students a curious, enquiring and discriminating mind, a desire for knowledge and a set of skills; linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical, emotional and social.

‘Be the Change You Want to Be’, an adaptation of Mahatma Gandhi’s teaching, impressed upon us the need to change ourselves first, in order to see change around us. As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to transform the world, but in being able to transform ourselves. An attitudinal change is necessary to improve our thought processes which will then prompt positive actions. As we do this we make our lives meaningful in a thousand ways and help make the lives of others better than they   thought possible.

“In education, there is a golden triangle of quantity, quality and equity. You just can’t ignore one while strengthening others”

 We look forward to meeting you soon. Hope Your Day’s a Diamond!

Happy Reading

God Bless Us All.

Hyder Khan
